Home News Cytomine 2 is out !

Cytomine 2 is out !

The Cytomine cooperative is proud to announce the release of Cytomine 2.0.0, the first release with the brand new Vue.js front-end !

It's also the first version of Cytomine to support many languages (english and french are already available).

This 2.0.0 version is a huge collaborative work of all our team, our contributors, and our users, whose opinions and suggestions have been taken into account.

All the features added to the core of Cytomine are available here.

All the features added to the web UI are available here.

To install a new instance, or update a previous one, please follow these instructions : How to install Cytomine.

To learn how to use this new version of Cytomine please read our user guide.

If you want to test the new viewer, just go to our open access image collection, and open the image of your choice.

If you want a more complete test of the solution, including uploading some of your own images, set your own tags, descriptions, properties, or ontology terms, and test the full collection of annotation tools, please contact us and ask for a free demo account.

If you want to contribute to this project, by adding new languages for example, please follow these instructions : How to contribute.